Monday, July 6, 2009


zati used to say this to me...

"a man's love is not as great as a woman's love"

i wondered whether it's true or not...
lately i felt tired...
tired of loving him...
tired of missing him...
tired of trying to change for him...
tired of pleasing him...
tired of thinking for his feelings...
i'm tired...
just tired...
because i know he doesn't know how deep is my love for him...
he doesn't know that each time i woke up i think of him...
he doesn't know wherever i go,whatever i do i always think of him...
he just doesn't know...
help me...
i'm tired...


  1. it's hard for a guy to know women's world

    kalau sama sama tahu perasaan masing-masing, buat apa couple....

    better to have differences than to have a lot of similarities that may lead to boredness

    sabar je la kak oiii

  2. nie mesti ayah ku buat hal lagi,

  3. kudin : mmg kena la fhm jugak...letih tau kalau kta wat apa smua dia fhm sebaliknya...hhuhuhu...

    jane doe : ayah kamu? siapa kamu?
