Tuesday, June 30, 2009

~~sudden feelings~~

all this while i always think that i'm happy with my life...i feel that everything that happened in my life was just so perfect...it's like too good to be true...but suddenly i had this feeling...a feeling that i don't really know how to describe...these few days i had been surfing the net...and i found most of my friends that i last contact was like years ago...it occurred to me that i am a loser...a big fat LOSER!!!huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu....dowh...tamau dh tulis...benci!!!!jiwa kacau ok...bodoh...gila...bangang...mcm s***...urghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!


  1. azu! haha. ingat lagi dak aku? :p
    bila nak fly?

  2. azu..
    awat nih..
    takut aih dgr..

  3. nazreen,kema,zack : huhuhu....emosi x stabil gila...tp skrg dh ok...

    tina : huhuhu...dh chill dh tina...especially on ur birthday...

    anis : mesti la igt...hehehe...insyaallah next year kot...

  4. anis : bkn slalu nk emo neh anis...heheh...

    cixdia : ha'ah...taon depan kot...insyaallah...doa2kn la...
